Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Finding Joy

There aren't many things I enjoy more than watching Cora eat. A year ago this month Cora started consistently feeding herself for the first time. It was amazing. And today, watching as she tried one of the kalamata olives from my salad saying "mmm...olive" and then went on to feed herself an entire plate of "beefy pasta," strawberries, sliced tomatoes (!!), and crackers, it still IS amazing. What a difference a year makes. I'm going to repost a photo we took many, many months ago that Cora's feeding therapist has hanging on her wall. She decided to hang it on her wall because it captures how all children should feel about eating - joy!

All of these thoughts today made me almost do a quick run to our neighborhood grocery store to buy ANOTHER homemade snickerdoodle cookie when Cora looked up at me after snack, and after devouring said cookie, said "Cookie all gone?" with such sadness it could break your heart.

1 comment:

hibiscusfire said...

awesome photo! it is amazing how kids remind us to find joy in so many things we've come to take for granted.