Sunday, April 27, 2008

Cora Reads a Book about a Hippo

Jumping on the Bed

A few photos of April...

April has been an exciting month for us and I will apologize upfront for not updating the blog in over a month! I hope to be a better photographer this spring and summer.

As many of you know, Cora has been going to feeding therapy once a week since December. We have been working on getting her to feed herself, use spoons, and drink from sippy cups. It has been a slow process, but with many great milestones along the way. We are happy to report that Cora is almost exclusively feeding herself now and is getting some impressive skillz with the spoon and sippy cup. Cora now adores enchilada casserole, hummus on garlic crackers, and pesto pizza (who knew?).

Additional news in the Webb-Porter household is that we've purchased a new bike for me (Stacey) and a bike trailer for Cora. Stay tuned for some photos of us in our geeky helmets. Rain has been spoiling our weekend chances for a bike trip along the river...but hopefully we'll get to do it soon.

Happy spring to everyone.